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The map

To whet your appetite

Crispy Scallops, Combawa and Fresh Coriander, Salad of Chinese Noodles and Peanuts.28,00 €

Diced Scallops, Caviar and Oyster

Raw-worked with Yuzu and Mertancia Maritima €32.00

Jerusalem artichoke velouté accompanied by its Brioche

Julienne of Fresh Truffles "Mélanosporum"32.00

The Fishmonger's Market

Filet of Breton sea bass, cooked meunière, 36.00

Cream of Artichokes and Lemon Risotto "Pandérosa"

Meunière cooked lean steak28,00 €

Sliced Endives and Vegetable Brunoise, Iberian Flavor

Belle Sole roasted with Meunière as it should be 300gr €39.00 Mashed Potatoes in Olive Oil 500gr48.00 €

The Butcher's Market

Piece of Beef "Cularde", Mushrooms of the moment, 250 gr. €39.00

Calf Sweetbread cooked whole with

Mushrooms of the moment,€42.00

Beef Tenderloin Extra "Cularde" cooked to your taste€34.00

Sweets From The Mill

Cointreau soufflé and its ice cream, crunchy tile €25.50

“Flowing” Chocolate Cake, Vanilla Ice Cream €25.50

Millefeuille with Vanilla & Pecan Nuts, cooked Minute €25.50

Pistachio - chocolate - sour cherry "the perfect marriage" €25.50

Sweetness between apple and pear 'a beautiful story' €25.50

Please let us know when orderingyour possible "Allergies"

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